Customer Testimonials

We take immense pride in the products and service that we offer to our customers.

Good interaction from service tech
Joanne (Patricia)
My questions were answered promptly and the local service with the Swim Spa was first rate.
Jill & Javed
Customer service at her home was excellent.
Dawn & Corinne
Pouring rain and the service guy – Joe – is all smiles and super polite!
Technician was excellent
On time and no hassle service. Answered my questions very clearly.
Amazing Tech Jamie was.
Talking with the staff over the phone about my hot tub..they were very understanding of the situation and I felt they legitimately there too help me Would definitely recommend this company to family and friends
Jeff & Joanne
Very knowledgeable and friendly
Ken debney was great to work with. Payment was a pain…it took 3 visits which is unacceptable…you need a pos machine. WAY TOO MANY EMAILS AND SIGNATURES.. Also need clear indicators in the tub as too how high the water should be…I sent video/pics of what I thought was a leak and Mr Debney came here. If the water was too high I would have easily reduced it…however I was charged for this service call when it was an easy fix if I had just been told.
On time, pleasant. Reliable
Greg great service technician